Stop listening to other men.
Young Men like myself go on social media lost and broken.
Hoping for someone to tell us what to do.
And we find that advice in abundance.
There is nothing inherently wrong with learning from our elders or peers mistakes, except in this age of noise, it impedes us from developing original thoughts. It creates clones of influencers and kills critical thinking.
Diversify. Bio hack. Be stoic. Learn a skill. Embrace the suck.
I’m sure you can name a few off the top your head when you think
“male empowerment influencer” or “Red pill misogynist”.
Forget about all that for one second.
Scroll up to the image and take a good look before continuing to read.
How does the image I pasted make you think and feel?
Does it make you feel strong or weak?
Is it unrealistic or idealistic?
Does it move you?
Does it make you think of something you’ve always wanted to do?
Maybe you feel nothing.
Most likely that’s where you’re at.
Overeating. Over sleeping. Overthinking.
Pornography. Food. Drugs/Alcohol.
Isolation. Phone screen.
I would feel nothing too. I did feel nothing. Sometimes I still do.
But own that feeling. It’s yours.
Not someone else’s.
Your void.
Your pain.
Soon you will start to feel again.
And we can either numb those feelings, or do something with them.
Or maybe just sit with them.
It’s on us.
Doesn’t give us much choice does it?
Do the things that scare the hell of out us.
Or slowly fade away from memory.
The choice is ours.
But let it be our decision.
Not someone else’s.