One that brings forth the goodness that resides within me.
The other all the wickedness of the physical world.
My longing for all attachment that is worldly
Blinds me to the serenity of a spiritual peace.
The Great War that resides in all nations
Begins and ends in my spirit.
For every hundred battles that sin is the victor
It takes but one for love to balance the scales
To continue through this engagement is the meaning of the human condition.
Into the breach once more.
Until love has filled my heart and spills from the pores of my physical body.
When compassion and forgiveness of the spirit manifests into the physical.
The lightness of being shall transform this earthly dream.
Into one of goodness and conscience.
Only then the kingdom of heaven appears outwardly from within.
Such a glorious day, should we ever see it.
This day shalt be the inheritance of our descendants.
Just as our time is a gift from the labors of a world and peoples that no longer exist.
Yet their love and spirit live on through the mission.
O what greater divine power do I seek than this.
To inherit a dream from peoples I have never met.
May they continue to guide us.